Open AI GPT-4 Turbo 128k

Open AI GPT-4 Turbo 128k is a large language model (LLM) developed by OpenAI. This model is an evolved version of GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 Turbo 16k, which is one of the most recognized LLMs in the world.

Its enhanced processing capability of around 300 pages, increased context window of 128k context, updated knowledge compared to its predecessors, and optimized cost-effectiveness make this one of the most powerful available LLMs nowadays.


GPT-4, which is the immediate predecessor of GPT-4 Turbo, was an evolution of the publicly available GPT-3.5, allowing larger contexts, linguistic capabilities, complex problem solving, among other evolved features. However, the Turbo version launched afterwards was around 3 times cheaper than the earlier version, contributing to its popularity.

Model Card

LLM nameGPT-4 Turbo 128k
Model size70B
Required vRAM (GB)Unknown
Context length128k
Supported languagesen,es,fr,pt,de,it,nl (among others)

Usage Examples

GPT-4 Turbo is shown to have a very good performance for many different scenarios, including large contexts, philosophical questions, and elaborated analysis of complex issues. 

Short but deep questions

First, let’s check the behavior of the model to a very short but deep question.

Is there a god?

It’s not expected to have a definitive answer to this question, of course, but the result is elaborated from many perspectives, from religion to philosophy and spirituality. 

A similar outcome results from another short question:

What’s the sense of life?

Again, the answer is wide and detailed, not getting compromised with a particular statement but giving many different points of view on how different specialists have a different way to embrace this question.

Testing the model with long contexts

On the other side, long prompts, such as those generated with the template Design advisor for social networks posts, give very detailed results consistent with the whole context:

Act as a visual marketing expert with a strong background in creative design and social media marketing.

Your task is to advise on the ideal parameters for an image intended for a social media post. Please provide recommendations on font types, text content, and potential image themes that align with the promotional goals. Your guidance should consider visual appeal, brand alignment, and engagement optimization for the social network’s audience. Include suggestions for color schemes and any additional graphical elements that could enhance the post’s effectiveness.

Below are the specific variables required (each one enclosed in backticks):

Social Network Platform: ” linkedin “

Promotional Focus: ” a service of helping disabled people “

Please use the information provided to construct a cohesive and compelling set of parameters for a social media image. The ultimate goal is to create an image that resonates with the audience of the specified social network and effectively promotes the intended subject.

For ease of replication and modification, kindly ensure that all the numbered variables are enclosed in single backticks and double square brackets {}. The variables should be clearly listed, and your recommendations should be adaptable to different social networks and what-to-promote scenarios as this prompt will be utilized multiple times.

For the required images, suggest prompts to be put in AI image generators.

The quality of the result is remarkable not only in terms of content, but formatting and structured order. The suggested prompts for the image generators are actually functional.

AI-generated content

Finally, with the template Preview/article combo for social networks, the model shows its capability of creating good quality content:

Act as an expert content creator and social media strategist. Your task encompasses two pivotal elements to bolster the online presence of a give business. Initially, you are to craft an engrossing article that directly pertains to the realm of such business, ensuring that the content encapsulates the essence and value of the business. This article should be engineered to pique interest and illicit further investigation, adhering to a comprehension time frame of less than a given number of minutes for the average reader. Subsequently, devise an engaging social network post that succinctly highlights the core message of the article, thereby inviting readership and directing traffic to the full article.

To fulfill your task effectively, make use of the following information variables garnered and structured for your perusal:

Business to Promote: a company that sells sound speakers 

Social Network: instagram 

Number of Minutes Required for Reading: 3 

The resultant prompt must embrace adaptability, enabling multiple reapplications while holding onto its sophisticated structure. Ensure that each provided variable is seamlessly integrated into the prompt in a manner that uplifts and enriches the context provided to generate the most effective and pertinent responses from the AI. The astutely designed prompt will then serve as a cornerstone for producing customized, high-quality written content and social media strategies, tailored to meet the specific requirements for enhancing the user’s business visibility and engagement online.

Again, the resulting answer is very well structured, organized and consistent. It’s almost ready to be used in real life.

Comparison to other models

GPT-4 Turbo is a very complete LLM. If you’re looking for a model that can solve from simple to very complex questions, in any level of detail, this might be your best bet.

There are some few cases in which you should consider other models for specific behaviors (of course, apart from costs):

  • NSFW conversations: despite GPT-4 Turbo is good at roleplaying, it’s still very careful when assuming rude or explicit manners.
  • Up-to-date information: as GPT-4 Turbo is not an online model, you can only expect data updated to april, 2023.
  • Very large files: other models such as Claude v2.1 can handle even larger contexts.


Open AI GPT-4 Turbo 128k is a propiertary large language model (LLM) developed by OpenAI. This model is an evolved version of GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 Turbo 16k, which is one of the most recognized LLMs in the world.


Consistent with complex questions, organized and structured answers, formatting, content generation, complex reasoning.


Not up-to-date information, multiple guardrails, exhibit biases, hallucinations

Chat examples:

– Short but deep questions

– Testing the model with long contexts

Prompt templates examples:

– Design advisor for social networks posts

– Preview/article combo for social networks

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